LPK is an active member of BUSINESSEUROPE since 1998, when it first became an associate member and then, in 2004, a full member of the organisation. The leading umbrella business organisation, BUSINESSEUROPE provides a solid platform for LPK interest representation by ensuring access to highest-impact network of national federations, European associations and companies, facilitating networking and access to the European Commission and EP on highest levels, amplifying impact by joint actions and positions, providing timely intelligence and quality expert information on legislative developments on issues central to LPK and its members.
LPK is closely engaged in BUSINESSEUROPE activities on three levels:
- President represents LPK at the bi-annual meetings of the highest decision making body – the Council of Presidents (COPRES), that take place in the capital of the EU Presidency country;
- Director General represents LPK at the meetings of the Executive Committee (EXCO), taking place 4 times per year in Brussels;
- PK representatives (members of the administration, experts from associations and companies) represent LPK at the meetings of Working Groups;
- Daily representation of LPK’s EU interests is performed by the LPK’s Brussels Office, led by Tomas Vasilevskis, LPK’s Permanent Delegate at BUSINESSEUROPE.