Ongoing projects
The Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists is part of a large European Consortium implementing the Horizon 2020 project Agro2Circular – Territorial Circular Systemic Solution for the Upcycling of Residues from the AgriFood Sector.
The Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists is part of a large European Consortium implementing the Horizon Europe project BRIDGES 5.0 – Bridging Risks to an Inclusive Digital and Green future by Enhancing workforce Skills for industry 5.0
Jobs for the Future: Decent Work for a Competitive Economy
The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists has just lauched a project called “Jobs for the Future: Decent Work for a Competitive Economy (Acronum: Future Work)” (Project No. 2020/530724) to enhance the concept of ‘Decent Work’ in Lithuania. Other project partners are Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation (LPPSF), Fellesforbundet – the Norwegian Trades Union Federation, and VDI – the Lithuanian Labour Inspectorate and Prof. Dr. Peter Totterdill from the Workplace Innovation Europe CLG (the UK).
The main goal of the project is:
– to improve social dialogue;
– to encourage bilateral negotiations;
– to agree on key negotiating principles, procedures and possible topics for future collective agreements.
Integration of Lithuanian business into international value chains of Experimental Development and Innovation (InterInoLT)
The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) is participating in the project “Integration of Lithuanian business into international value chains of Experimental Development and Innovation (InterInoLT)”. Aim of the project: to create a network of Lithuanian Experimental Development and Innovation Representatives (“Ambassadors”) to promote the potential of Lithuanian Experimental Development and Innovation (R&D&I) abroad by: increasing funds from international R&D&I programmes; attracting investment to innovative projects and export of high value-added products and services (innovation) (to help companies move out of R&D&I sandbox in Lithuania).
The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) is participating in the international Erasmus+ project “Promoting Creativity and Innovation Management in an innovative blended learning and validation programme at the interface between higher education (HE) and business” (CIM) (KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances).
MORE INFORMATIONDATALIT– Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business
The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists participates in the international consortium of DATALIT project, co-funded by Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances (No. 612561-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA).
Consortium Partners 4 Value
Partners 4 Value initiative is the Consortium established between LPK and the leading Lithuanian universities. The Initiative is established at national level in Lithuania aiming to expand “real life” training opportunities for students and university personnel through Business-International Organisations-University partnerships. This will contribute towards improving young people employment readiness, job prospects in local and international markets and increasing Lithuanians representation in EU, intergovernmental organisations and international business structures.
Development of Lithuanian qualifications system enters a new phase
The project aims to create a sustainable institutional and methodical framework for the development and realisation of sectoral qualification standards and vocational training curricula in line with Lithuanian and European Qualifications Frameworks.