Office of the European Commission in Lithuania
On January 2016, LPK and Office of the European Commission in Lithuania signed a partnership agreement which creates more favorable conditions for cooperation with each other in organizing events and implementing initiatives and public campaigns with the aim to inform about the possibilities offered by the European Union for Lithuanian citizens and businesses.

Global Lithuanian Leaders
On October 2015, LPK and Global Lithuanian Leaders signed a cooperation agreement which creates more favorable conditions for cooperation with each other in order to exploit the existing potential abroad, the formulating and implementing various programs for of Lithuanian industry and business in order to enhance the competitiveness and to implement necessary measures to help the Lithuanian industry and business to be competitive in international markets, mobilizing Lithuania business and society, the development of civil society.

Polish-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce
On September 2015, LPK and the Polish-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce signed a cooperation agreement that allows the strengthening of Lithuanian-Polish economic cooperation and more efficient use of the two countries mutual business potential.

Dansk Industri
On November 2014, LPK has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Danish Confederation of Industrialists (Dansk Industri, DI) for a long-term partnership and support for organizations representing the interests of the members in finding the foreign markets. The agreement paves the way for mutual support through co-organized events and initiatives to further enhance trade and economic cooperation between the countries.

Kazakhstan‘s National Export&Investment Agency KAZNEX INVEST, JSC
On 19 May 2015, National Export&Investment Agency KAZNEX INVEST, JSC, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lithuania signed Memorandum of Understanding. This MoU will become an important mechanism to increase competitiveness of businesses in Kazakhstan and Lithuania, and will provide a basis to develop close commercial relationships and to increase the volume of bilateral trade, investment and technology transfer. Mutual efforts will be directed at the development of the following preliminary determined priority industry sectors: mechanical engineering, metallurgy industry; chemical industry; petrochemical industry; construction industry; food processing industry, transport and logistics;, tourism and health care.

Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia
On 23 March 2015, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia signed a Memorandum of Understanding in pursuit of greater opportunities for economic cooperation between Lithuania and Armenia and taking into consideration the need for the establishment of direct business contacts between business communities of both countries. The purpose of this MoU is to enable a framework of cooperation and facilitate collaboration on a non-exclusive basis, in the areas of mutual interest. Interest to cooperate was expressed in the following fields: assist businesses in establishment of strategic relations in healthcare, medicine, pharmaceutical, renewable energy, ICT, textile, jewelry, wine and brandy, precise engineering, food, agriculture, transport and logistics, and other sectors.

Development Foundation of Armenia and Armenian Development Agency
On 27 November 2014, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists signed separate MoUs with Development Foundation of Armenia and Armenian Development Agency on strengthening of economic relations between Lithuanian and Armenian businesses in Lithuania and Armenia. In order to work together, increase the exports, investments and explore the establishment of a strategic alliance on joint venture in these sectors: collaboration between Lithuanian manufactures operating in medicine, renewable energy, ICT, textile, food, chemical, biotechnology and other segments, and Armenian producers of medicine, renewable energy, ICT, textile, jewelry, wine and brandy, precise engineering, food, chemical, biotechnology and other segments. Usage of well-developed Lithuanian logistics infrastructure to promote bilateral trade between Lithuania and Armenia, as well as to increase Armenian trade flow with Baltic region, and to increase Lithuania‘s trade flws with Caucasian and Middle East region.

Manufacturers Association of Israel
On 30 June 2014, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and Manufacturers Association of Israel signed MoU and agreed to endorse and support the newly formed Israel-Lithuania Technology Hub (ILTH), a nonprofit entity (within the Israel-Lithuania Chamber of Commerce), an Israeli registered Non Profit Association, the purpose of which is to actively promote and support Israeli and Lithuanian technology companies seeking guidance, professional advice and mentoring, as well as assisting in introductions and establishing joint ventures.

Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania and the European Foundation for Education
On 2014 May 1, Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and the European Foundation for Education, signed an agreement in order to cooperate, exchange experience and foster usage of opportunities including the usage of the European financial support, especially for five tasks: vocational training, praxls oriented studies at universities, promotion of young entrepreneurs, first work experience in the public services, further education.

National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic
On 28 November 2013, signed Agreement of Cooperation. The fundamental objective is a further development of bilateral economic relations by providing a regular forum for businessmen of both countries to meet, discuss and explore business opportunities in trade, investments, transfer of technology, services in various sectors of economy.

Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, Employers of Poland
On 29 May 2013, in order to further improvements in business environment in the region, the organisations agreed on the following recommendations: cooperation in energy market, communications, transport networks and other infrastructure among neighboring countries should be enhanced; closer cooperation wit our neighboring countries in the Baltic Sea region and further efforts creating a common economic space between EU and EU neighbors in the Baltic Sea is required; bigger input in development of knowledge and innovation in the region is of utmost importance.

Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD)
On 4 April 2013, LPK signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and strengthened mutual cooperation in order to enhance and promote bilateral trade and investment cooperation to advance economic growth between Turkey and Lithuania through regular exchanges between parties on bilateral and multilateral economic and trade issues as well as exchange of expertise, recourses, projects and incentives; greater exchange of trade and investment missions to strengthen trade and investment promotion efforts; greater investment and boosting joint ventures by creating favorable conditions and providing all necessary assistance for companies and investors from both countries; encouraging its respective members of the parties to participate in international trade fairs, exhibitions, business seminars and other activities organized by the parties; co-organizing business events to provide a platform for networking.
The list is not completed and will be updated…