LPK is an independent, non-political organization that represents public interests of all business groups in Lithuania. LPK unites 56 trade and 7 regional business associations with ~4000 major business and manufacturing enterprises of the country, as well as 23 largest non-associated enterprises and corporations. LPK members include most Lithuanian production enterprises, banks, trading companies, representative offices of foreign firms, research institutes, and educational establishments.

The activities of LPK members cover all the main branches of industry: nearly all goods manufactured in Lithuania are their products. LPK members cover all the main sectors of Lithuanian manufacturing, which is the biggest contributor to Lithuanian economy and accounts for 58% of Lithuanian GDP. Manufacturing companies account for 83% of Lithuanian export output, while export itself is the major driving force of Lithuanian economy, standing at 87% of Lithuanian GDP. Thus, members of LPK have a very significant role on the performance of Lithuanian economy.

The interests of the Confederation members are represented by over 100 working groups and institutions. Membership in Confederation is entirely voluntary. LPK is a non political organisation, fully independent from any kind of governmental control or authority in all its activities and free to take its decisions in any sphere.

Associated members: list of branch associations

Lithuanian Roads Association www.lietuvoskeliai.lt
Association of Lithuanian Food Producers www.maistoasociacija.lt
Lithuanian Peat Producers Association www.peat.lt
Lithuanian Union of Consumers’ Cooperatives www.lvks.lt
Lithuanian Association of Breweries www.aludariai.lt
Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association LATIA www.latia.lt
Association of Lithuanian Chemical Industry Enterprises www.chemija.lt
Lithuanian Grain Processors’ Association www.allgrain.lt
Lithuanian Engineering Industries Association LINPRA www.linpra.lt
Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies www.ljkka.lt
Lithuanian Aggregates Producers Association www.nsm.lt
Association of Lithuania Shipbuilders and Repairers www.llsra.lt
Lithuanian Association of Land Reclamation Enterprises www.lmia.lt
Lithuanian National Association of Forwarders and Logistics www.lineka.lt
Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association LINAVA www.linava.lt
Association of Lithuanian vocational schools www.lpmasociacija.lt
Lithuanian Construction Association www.statybininkai.lt
Construction Industry Association www.lsia.lt 
Lithuanian Wind Power Association www.lvea.lt
Association Lithuanian forest www.lietuvosmediena.lt
Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association LITBIOMA www.biokuras.lt
National Association for Innovative Textiles and Apparel www.nitaa.lt
Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries www.lispa.net
Association of Photovoltaic Technologies and Business www.pvatvirainovacija.lt
Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association www.lntpa.lt
Lithuanian Association of Meat Processing Enterprises www.lmpa.lt
Lithuanian Logistics Association www.ltlogistics.lt
Lithuanian Association of Public Utilities and Waste Managers (LKATA) www.lkata.lt
National Lithuanian Energy Association www.nlea.lt
Lithuanian Association of Dairy Enterprises www.pieno-centras.lt
Food Supplement Manufacturers Association www.mpga.lt
Lithuanian Chamber of Tourism www.turizmorumai.lt
National Association of Business Administrators www.nvaa.lt
Association for Environmental Protection
Association for Enterprises of Elevators Industry
„Baltic film & creative tech cluster” www.filmcluster.eu
Association of Lithuanian Banks www.lba.lt
Lithuanian Biotechnology Association (LBTA) www.lbta.lt 
International oil products trading association
National Association of Eletricity Network Owners
National Pharmaceutical Industry Association
National Aviation Association “LAVIA” https://lavia.lt/
National  Tobacco Producers Association https://ntga.lt
Association of Hazardous Waste Managers
Lithuanian Passenger Transport Association www.lkva-asociacija.lt
Private Forest Owners Association www.pmsa.lt
International Transport and Logistics Alliance
Biofuels Association http://www.biodegalai.lt/
Lithuanian Confederation Of Renewable Resources http://ateitiesenergija.lt/en/
Lithuanian Food Exporters Association (LitMEA) http://www.litmea.lt/en/
Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Association http://www.ifpa.lt/about-us/
Lithuanian Factoring Association
Association of Transport Innovations https://www.tiasoc.eu/en/
Lithuanian Association of Real Estate Agencies https://www.lntaa.lt/ 
Association “Historic city”


Associated members: list of regional business associations

Kaunas Region Association of Industrialists and Employers www.pramone.lt
Association of Klaipėda Industrialists www.kpa.lt
Association of Šiauliai Industrialists www.siauliai-pramone.lt
Association of Panevėžys Industrialists www.pkpa.lt
Union of Industrialists of Plunge Region https://plungesps.lt/ 
Associotion of Mažeikiai Enterpreneurs https://www.mva.lt/ 
Associotion of Sūduva Industrialists and Enterpreneurs

Non-associated members: largest enterprises and corporations

AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Lithuanian Railways https://www.litrail.lt/en/
Google Lithuania, UAB Google Lithuania http://www.google.lt/
„Ellex Valiunas“ Law firm Ellex Valiūnas https://www.ellex.lt/en
Advokatų kontora SORAINEN ir partneriai Law firm SORAINEN https://www.sorainen.com/
UAB Koncernas „Achemos grupė“ Achema Group http://www.achemosgrupe.lt/en/
UAB „BOD Group“ BOD GROUP https://www.bodgroup.com/
UAB „Philip Morris Lietuva“ Philip Morris Lithuania https://www.pmi.com/markets/lithuania/en
Kauno technologijos universitetas (KTU) Kaunas University of Technology https://en.ktu.edu/
Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (VGTU) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University https://www.vgtu.lt/index.php?lang=2
Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU) Mykolas Romeris University https://www.mruni.eu/en/
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas Vytautas Magnus university https://www.vdu.lt/en/
VšĮ „Žaliasis taškas“ VšĮ „Žaliasis taškas“ http://www.zaliasistaskas.lt/index.html
UAB „Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla“ International School of Law and Business https://www.ttvam.lt/
UAB „E energija“ E energija group http://e-energija.lt/en/second-meniu/E-Energija-Group.html
UAB „IDW“ IDW https://idwdisplay.com/
AB „K2 LT“ K2 LT https://lietuvoskrematoriumas.lt/
AB Klaipėdos jūrų krovos kompanija Klaipeda Stevedoring Company http://www.klasco.lt/en/
Lietuvos energetikos institutas Lithuanian Energy Institute https://www.lei.lt/en/
M. Gurskienės TŪB „Vadovų klubai“ Executive network Vadovų Klubas https://www.klubai.lt/index.php/english
UAB „Doleta“ Doleta http://www.doletawindows.com/
AB „Lifosa“ Lifosa https://www.lifosa.com/en
Siemens Osakeyhtio Lietuvos filialas Siemens Lithuania https://new.siemens.com/lt/lt.html
AB ORLEN Lietuva Orlen Lietuva https://www.orlenlietuva.lt/EN/Pages/default.aspx
UAB Klaipėdos jūrų krovinių kompanija „Bega“ Klaipeda Stevedoring Company BEGA http://www.bega.lt/en/