The LPK’s Brussels Office was established in 2006 and is now led by Rasa Uždavinytė. The Office is located at the BUSINESSEUROPE headquarters, in the heart of the EU district. The main objectives of the representative are: to represent LPK interests in BUSINESSEUROPE and other European associations; to represent LPK interests directly with the EU institutions, coordinating representation with likeminded business and institutional alliances in Brussels and Vilnius; strengthening LPK’s institutional profile and enlarging networks to be used by LPK’s members; closely cooperating with the Lithuanian Permanent Representation to the EU; monitoring EU legislation and interests’ dynamics in Brussels; consulting LPK members on relations with the EU institutions; organizing events, visits and meetings with high level EU officials.
For more information:
Rasa Uždavinytė
Head of Brussels Office
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) Representative in BUSINESSEUROPE
Avenue de Cortenbergh 168,
B-1000 Brussels | Belgium
T +32 2 237 66 75
E-mail rasa.uzdavinyte@litbre.eu