The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) is a major association in Lithuania which represents the interests of large industrialists and employers. The Confederation in an umbrella organization uniting 56 branch and 7 regional associations which comprise over >3500 medium and large enterprises from various public and private sectors.
LPK members include most Lithuanian production enterprises, banks, trading companies, representative offices of foreign firms, research institutes, and educational establishments. The activities of LPK members cover all the main branches of industry: nearly all goods manufactured in Lithuania are their products. They cover all the main sectors of industry and unite over a third of the Lithuanian work force, which generates 46% of Lithuanian GNP.
Main objectives of the Confederation are: to create the most favourable conditions for economic, technical and social progress of Lithuanian enterprises regardless their ownership form, to represent rights of the members of Confederation and to defend their interests in the governmental, social and international structures, to expand markets for products and raw materials, to improve conditions of exports as well as for imports in order to enable Lithuanian industry to contribute a proper contribution to the strengthening of the national economy, to represent entrepreneurs and defend their social and legal interests, to make contacts among Lithuanian manufacturers and their counterparts abroad through international exhibitions and available information systems.
In the pursuit of those objectives, LPK holds regular committee sittings and discussions on urgent economic issues of the country, participates in the preparation of and the discussions on draft laws and proposals to the Government and the Ministries of Finance, Energy, Economy, etc. The Confederation also holds meetings with ministers and other officials as well as the representatives of public organizations. LPK delegates its experts to represent the interests of the industries of the country in various national and international governmental and interdepartmental working groups.
The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists is engaged in the organization of economic conferences, presentations, business missions, and other activities, related to the business community of the country.
At present, Lithuanian industry is responsible for 22,1 percent of the GDP of Lithuania, while the European Union is planning to reach this average per capita only by 2020.
“Lithuanian business has proven that it is flexible and easily adaptable, and that it is capable not only of preserving a competitive advantage in the neighbouring markets, but also of regrouping and finding its place in the newly acquired, less known, and ever changing global markets of the Middle East, China, Russia, and Asia. Today, our business takes another step in the sphere of innovations and smart technologies that helps generate more surplus value,” says the LPK president, R. Dargis. He underlines that Lithuanian industry, having been tempered by the Russian crisis of 1998 and the global economic recessions of 2008 and 2014, has grown stronger and has acquired a new impetus for the creation of the prosperity of its country’s business and economy.
Lithuanian business has proven that it is flexible and easily adaptable, and that it is capable not only of preserving a competitive advantage in the neighbouring markets, but also of regrouping and finding its place in the newly acquired, less known, and ever changing global markets of the Middle East, China, Russia, and Asia. Today, our business takes another step in the sphere of innovations and smart technologies that helps generate more surplus value.
The LPK membership status obligates every member of the Confederation to work for the success and prosperity of a modern Lithuania in the spirit of European values.