On 28th April, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK), the country’s leading industry and employers’ organization, together with the Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania and Swedish Presidency, in partnership with BUSINESSEUROPE, the European Economic and Social Committee and Swedish Embassy in Lithuania, organized the conference ‘30 Years of the Single market: Achievements and Pitfalls’.
This year, the EU celebrates the 30th anniversary of its Single market – one of the major achievements of European integration and one of its key drivers. The EU Single market has been a locomotive for growth and progress for Lithuanian industry and business: together with the cohesion policy and other EU instruments, it has been pushing the country forward and leading it to great economic and social results. However, there are still obstacles to the Single market and its potential has not been fully unlocked. The shortcomings came to light during the COVID-19 pandemic especially.
The conference marked this occasion by focusing on the achievements as well as the untapped potential for European business in this unique project.
“In the current geopolitical climate, with ongoing Russian war in Ukraine that led to economic challenges for European industry, Single market can be yet another opportunity for EU businesses. Therefore, we have to touch upon the internal and external factors relevant to the EU Single market and the EU’s policies to ensure a level playing field for all economic players as well as related issues such as state aid, subsidies, and public procurement, as well as new EU financial funds”, – said Mr Ričardas Sartatavičius, General Director of the LPK.
Among the speakers in this conference were Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, European Commission; H.E. Ms Inger Linnea Buxton, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Lithuania: Ms Ieva Valeškaitė, Viceminister of Economy and Innovation, Republic of Lithuania; Ms Charlotte Sammelin, Head of Department for International Trade Policy and the EU Single Market, Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union; Giulia del Brenna, Head of Unit of the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission; Mr Martynas Barysas, Director of Single market Department, BusinessEurope and others.